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  • Writer's picturejrussell5720

Thanks Rush, Sean and Clay and Buck...

I just wanted to say Thank You. I've decided to start writing again. Partially because I wanted to start a blog to exercise my creative inclinations. Partially to start paying off my kid’s school loans. Partially to lend my voice to the chorus of evil MAGA Republicans that are out there planning the undoing of the country lol. Evil Evil MAGA (Make America Great Again?)

My voice and opinions are the result of 30+ years of being a student at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. I listened to Rush from my early 20s up until the day he last signed off. My group of friends were so crazy in my 20s that they would get stoned and watch the Rush Limbaugh tv show. Happily. Eating lots of Ding Dongs and Ice Cream. Agreeing to everything said. In San Diego I would listen while laying out on the beach. Limbaugh was a lifelong driving force in the formation of my political ideologies and opinions. I didn't always agree but I always wanted to know what he thought, and I always listened.

In the end it was wonderful to see him given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Trump much to the visible mental frustration of the entire Democratic side of the aisle in Congress. Pelosi even tore up the copy of the address. Historical moment in that it may have been the first documented “Hissy Fit” by a Speaker of the House on television. I never saw Tip O’Niell lose his shit on National Television. Her emotion managed to break through the Botox and shine through. It was a wonderful evening. I can't imagine Rush could have even envisioned a better capper to his incredible career. The spectacle of it all was an amazing closer. Bonus points to Trump for knowing a good show stopper when he saw one.

Sean Hannity I first encountered as a relief host for Limbaugh in the 90s. He was my favorite fill in host and I never missed Rush when Sean was on. When he got his own show it was even better. I even watched Hannity and Colmes in the early days of FoxNews. Now I had Rush in the morning and Sean in the afternoon. I doubled my intake of Conservative Philosophy. My liberal friends refused to ride with me in the car since the driver picks the station. No 6 hour road trips with me. They might turn conservative in that period of time and couldn't risk it. Plus I might fart in the car, turn up the heat and lock all the windows. A friend of mine used to pull that trick and cackle like a maniac in high school. That might qualify for MAGA terrorist activity today. Hannity brought a younger hipper vibe to the coming red storm. He was unapologetic and willing to stick with his principles. Im sure by the time the end of the road comes for Hannity he will have influenced at least as many new young leaders as Rush did in his day. You always know who to listen to and watch by looking at who the left is most determined to cancel. That guy. Go with that guy.

Or GUYS. Rush died and there was a void. Sean still ruled the afternoons but the original Rush slot was empty and being filled with rotating hosts filling the seat but not the shoes. Then a decision was made and a great one it was. Instead of the single host format that would forever be compared to the Great One, the decision was made to go with a team that could encourage an ongoing conversation about the days events. Two that could play off each other while at the same time continuing the conservative radio tradition onwards. Frequent Limbaugh relief host Buck Sexton was paired with Clay Travis and a new powerhouse was born in the time slot. With good humor and reverence for the Great One, but with the youth to persevere for years to come, the void was filled with a new entry into the daytime radio lineup.

We know that all of these voices are important because George Soros hates them all. He has been buying up radio stations, I'm sure with the intent of limiting these voices. God willing this attempt will fail.

This article is an attempt to first and foremost say thank you to all of the above individuals for bringing me along with my conservative thinking. Rush began my education, Sean helped shape it, and Clay and Buck continued it. I tune in daily or podcast it to catch the latest opinions and form my own theories around the input. So thanks to all. That much free education blows away anything the left can offer at taxpayer expense.

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