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  • Writer's picturejrussell5720

Democrats De-Pressed

So correct me if I'm wrong but it's Trump that would refuse to leave office if his time was officially up right? Its Trump that would weaponize the justice department against his political opponents right? It’s Trump that would make sure the illegal shit his kids were doing was covered up and not exposed right? That was Trump, right? Oh sorry. No disrespect, Vice President Trump…right Joe?

Joe Biden held his press conference last night and gaffed away like his Presidency wasnt on the line. I'm glad I wasn't playing a drinking game where you took a shot every time he said “Anyway” or I would be massively hung over this morning. He said it nearly as many times as he said “The Idea….” in the debate. The idea! that a President uses The Idea! So many times! He uses those non sequitars as many times as NBA dudes use the phrase “You know…” in post game interviews. Check it out. You can't unhear it.

I do believe that Biden did not have a teleprompter at the press conference. I do think he had a Bidenprompter who said in front of him and gave him a gesture which meant say “Anyway” and stop whatever path he was going down and switch to something else. How well do you think it would have gone over if FDR, introducing Churchill, had said “Ladies and Gentleman…Adolf Hitler.” “Oh sorry I mean Winston Churchill.”

He had a list of friendly reporters, as he always does. Probably emblazoned across the top of the cheat card was a picture of Fox Reporter Peter Doocy with a giant “STOP” symbol across it. Call on everyone but the nice polite white boy. Thats a hard no! They kept referring to this as a “Big Boy” Press Conference. God that sounds exactly like what Jill told him it was.

Could there be a more inept team handling him right now? “Big Boy”? This is really making me suspect that the team pulling the strings right now has sold him off to Stromboli and he will be going to the Island to get his fill of candy and turn into a donkey…

Wait a minute…Pinnochio is a puppet who lies all the time and as a result, his nose grows. Also a New York Times emoji. The more he lies and indulges in unhealthy excesses he falls into the trap of going to Paradise Island and turns into…a Democrat! Well, a donkey…which is the party symbol of….well….” Anyway”.

They brought everyone to the press conference offering to put Joe out there on display for all to see. The theory being the more you see the more they can push to overhaul the ticket. The problem is that they have seen this for years. For years he has been in decline and he has been holding on like Ruth Bader Ginsburg holding on for Joe Biden. You see how that went. They act surprised because everyone gets to see the big secret. Everybody who has been watching CNN, MSNBC or the big three networks was shocked! Nobody watching FoxNews or The Five in particular was.

The problem Biden America presents is that the administration is far more progressive than the country is. Most of us are cool with gay now. Especially if its with two hot chicks. But either way, it's not a concern anymore. Most of us are fine with contraception and don't think of it as a sin. But the left can't exist happily in the middle. They need more. Companies can pay employees to work Pride Events but can also withdraw paid holidays like Christmas. In the real world Abortion, shouldn't even be discussed as a form of birth control when a Plan B morning-after pill is dirt cheap and makes sure nothing negative ever even has to go down. Biden doesn't do real press conferences because he would get caught up with these questions that he could never really answer.. If you notice, even with CNN’s debate , women's sports and trans rights never really come up. Also, the selected reporters and the Press conference never touched them. They don't touch them because he would flounder with them.

As an evil conservative my evil bad guy advice…keep him in! We love Joe! Let’s go Brandon!

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