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  • Writer's picturejrussell5720

Bid Daddy Dementia

No Joe! Don’t go! This is getting nuts. This is like the elderly grandpa not wanting to go to the home..saying look…look what I can do! I can still crap on my own in the bathroom thank you…Yea, but you missed the toilet Grandpa. Every time. It's time to go. At some point it's everyone's time to go. How many times did the Dems say that Trump would refuse to go when his time was up. Every single thing…everything…that they have accused Trump of doing Biden has turned around and done. Refusing to leave, taking home paperwork from the office, weaponization of the government. The Dems are falling all over each other claiming that the debate opened their eyes to this mess. But everyone else in the world has known for a long time. Putin knows. Xi knows. Macron knows. The entire Republican party knows. Just the people watching CNN and MSNBC didn't know. The only thing the left is achieving with this exercise is putting out there on display the lengths that they will go to keep a puppet and then replace the puppet when its strings get worn.

I've been an advocate now for a long time of an age limit on the presidency. I like Trump but in reality, we should cap this off at like 70. 70 is the retirement age time. Not time to pick up the most strenuous stressful job you could imagine. Grandpa doesn't get to 70 and we say.. Hey, pick up brain surgery in your spare afternoons. In between mama’s stories. And that's downplaying it. Grandpa the brain surgeon would only kill a few patients. Grandpa President has his finger on the button and could kill the planet. Scarier yet..we know that’s not true. Biden isn't in control of the nuclear football. In reality, we don't have a clue who’s controlling that. Please not Hunter…please not Hunter…

I think the next Congress needs to address this. This should be something both sides could agree on. Although the Republicans are looking to ride the Trump train to victory they could probably come up with some common ground with Dems on setting the upper age limit so this election cycle never repeats. Then from here on out we could be assured the Presidency is held by younger whipper snappers just entering retirement age and not those who have been on it for a decade.

Oh and this…you know…even though its kept from us. Even though the teleprompters will never reveal this…You know he’s calling the first lady “Mommy” every chance he gets. All old people do it. All my grandparents did it. I have definite plans on doing it myself. Although my wife may disagree. When it comes to Joe I'm waiting for that gaffe. When she leads him off the stage and he whispers “Oh Thank You Mommy.” Luckily the kitchen staff can cut up his meat for him. The sight of Jill doing that would be enough to sway anyone.

And for the Democrats, here is the deepest darkest fear. That 39% of Democrats who will vote for Biden no matter what. They think. Then they think..well Im all alone here in this voting booth. Biden doesn't seem to know who or where he is. He could screw up at any time. He’s so far gone! And I hate Trump. With every fiber of my being! Ill spend all waking moments waiting for the end of his administration. But immigration would get fixed..and well…gas was cheaper…also Trump knows his own name…and what race and gender he was 8 years ago.. Back in high school a friend got ahold of an adult video tape of fat girls. Sorry..large ladies. It was a fetish for some dudes. But we dared each to watch it because we were stupid high school guys. Ill never forget how one scene started. The larger lady is laid out on a sofa and a dude walks in. He looks over his shoulder to make sure no one is around or watching, gives a little shrug…and the scene commences. But that guy’s look and shrug is the attitude that the Dems must truly fear. The fact that truly, at that moment, nobody is watching. Fear that. Not the MAGA people. Not the somewhat poll tracked independents. It is the tried and true Dems who are afraid of the story playing out in the White House. Even more terrified to tell the truth of how they really feel to pollsters. Picking a coherent villain with a great track record over the hero with dementia who isn't sure who or if he is.

For us on the right, the past weeks have been a giggle fest of fun watching the Left eat itself alive and Karma coming home. All we can hope for is for the show to go on. Because they are not sure they want Joe to run anymore.

But we do.

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